☢ Eight ☢

Mar 22, 2011 14:35

[It's nothing new for Hunny to wake up in a dreadful mood, but today, it didn't go away. Instead, it got worse. Much worse. You can tell just by looking at him that something's off - there's no childish grin, no bounding or skipping, and Usa-chan is nowhere in sight.

But if you value your life, do not ask what's wrong.

To anyone in the lobby right now, you might want to take cover. There's a weapon of mass destruction on the loose, and he's headed right into the vicinity. Do not be fooled by his cuteness. Whatever you do, do not engage. Avoid eye contact, and don't make any sudden loud-]


Whole castle's full of fucking morons.

[... told you so.]

(( ooc: loss start. i apologize in advance for his language, but i'm basing his dialogue on the online scantalation, not the published volumes where it's a bit... tamer. ))

haninozuka mitsukuni

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