[[accio journal #6]]

Mar 20, 2011 12:26

[dictated:]There seems to be an unusual amount of people being turned into animals or statues lately. Does anyone know why it happens and what we can do to prevent it from happening? I don't want to risk being turned into one, especially when someone like Voldemort could show up in Paradisa at anytime. If you don't know who Voldemort is, he killed ( Read more... )

harry potter

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ruined_jaw March 20 2011, 16:56:00 UTC
{Th' castle's magic seems t'be in a class all it's own, though I'll admit I don' know much about magic, so tha's just me own observation. Unfortunately, there seems t'be no stoppin' th' castle from doin' what it does, only weatherin' it after i's happened.}

{So pretty boy Draco got turned inta a ferrett, did he? I may have t'see this some time.}

[So much dry amusement in his voice, like you have no idea.]


imthechosenone March 20 2011, 17:05:40 UTC
[ugh. pretty boy Draco? he's going to pretend he never heard that]

Malfoy's under the care of Ukitake. You can ask Uki if you'd like to visit. But he's really just a ferret. He won't talk or do anything out of the ordinary.


ruined_jaw March 20 2011, 17:12:12 UTC
{Oh, I know, I jus' wanna see him knocked down a few pegs. Only met th' bloke a few times, but he's done little but strike me as an uppity rich kid. Th' kind I took th' piss on back home.}

[He laughs dryly. Middle-class Brit kids FTW]


imthechosenone March 20 2011, 17:22:42 UTC
[finds that amusing]

As much as I hate him, I hope the castle returns him to his normal self. But I'm not surprised you think that about him. Draco's a pure blood wizard and he does come from a very rich family.


ruined_jaw March 20 2011, 17:29:19 UTC
{Yeah, little losses like that are rather beastly. Always seem t'come at th' worst possible times, on top o' that.}

{Figures. No one plays classical piano that well without a bloody silver spoon jammed up their arse.}


imthechosenone March 20 2011, 17:39:07 UTC
[will laugh now] I don't like him much either. Back at home, we hate each other. But he's a lot less horrible now. I actually feel sorry for him.

Have you experienced a loss before?


ruined_jaw March 20 2011, 17:45:29 UTC
{He seems like an all right sorta bloke sometimes, though his ignorance towards modern conveniences like electricity is rather laughable. Are all wizards like that where you folks come from?}

{I have. It was over th' Christmas holiday, as a matter of fact. Fer a week I was physically regressed to eighteen years old. I'm twenty-three now. Might not seem like much o' a difference, but fer me it was rather drastic.}


imthechosenone March 20 2011, 18:02:21 UTC
Yes. They rely on magic a lot so things like electricity don't make sense to them. They don't know about muggle, sorry, I mean, non-wizard inventions either. Like the telephone or television. Most are pretty ignorant even though they've always been aware of the existence of a world beyond their own.

I think a lot can happen in five years. What was different back then?


ruined_jaw March 20 2011, 18:16:27 UTC
{Sounds like a magical version of th' Amish, if y'ask me. Intentionally buryin' one's head in th' sand out o' a misplaced sense o' superiority.}

{Well...} [He's not sure if, or how to put this.] {I had all o' me face back then. Now's a different story. A complicated one.}

[Yup. Jono just admitted to having half a face. What do, Harry Potter?]


imthechosenone March 20 2011, 18:39:16 UTC
Part of your face is missing?

[a beat]

That's what I heard happened with one of the students at Hogwarts. Apparently, he splinched himself during his first apparition lesson and half of his face was left behind.


ruined_jaw March 20 2011, 18:45:49 UTC
{Yeah. Happened about six months after I turned eighteen. I'm wha's called a "mutant" in my world. I've got a big, fiery hole from me nose t'me navel. Like I said, i's complicated.}


imthechosenone March 20 2011, 18:52:57 UTC
What's the big, fiery hole for?


ruined_jaw March 20 2011, 19:36:48 UTC
{Not much, really. Me body plays host t'a destructive form o' energy, the docs've called it "biokinetic". Hole in me body's from when th' stuff woke up. Not a pleasant experience, I can tell ya.}

{Name's Jonothan, but me mates call me "Chamber" on account o' how it all worked out.}


imthechosenone March 20 2011, 19:48:57 UTC
I'm Harry. Harry Potter. It's nice to meet you, and I'm sorry about your face. Um. What would you like me to call you?


ruined_jaw March 20 2011, 20:02:50 UTC
{Pleasure t'make yer acquaintance, Harry. Y'can jus' call me Jono. Mos' everyone does. Chamber's jus' fer when'm workin'.}


imthechosenone March 20 2011, 20:09:58 UTC
All right. Jono it is.

[and since you have him curious] What sort of work do you do?


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