(no subject)

Mar 18, 2011 10:58

[there is a suggestive groaning noise to accompany this icon as Abel comes to in the PARADISA CLINIC YEAHHH...

considering he was just somewhere else entirely and definitely not in said Paradisa clinic, he's a tad confused. it shows on the puzzled look on his face as he blinks up at the ceiling; the rush of memories from the castle accompany the ones from home -- it seems someone returned to Albion for a bit.]

...Eh? This is...

[A LITTLE SLOW ON THE UPTAKE, ladies and gentlemen. he sits up with a little 'OW OW' like a dumbass, touching a hand to bandaged shoulder before--]

...This is the clinic! H-how did I--

--Esther? Your Holiness?

[...wait. wait wait. he was doing something important! ...really important! oh my god what is going on.]

[yeah he'll figure it... out. ...eventually. probably.]

Oh, Lord in Heaven, have mercy on me. Did Esther shoot me by mistake? Was I strangled to death? I knew there was a flaw in letting her develop an affinity for shotguns.

[ooc: OPEN & canon bumped! come bug him in the clinic or harass him over the journal, by all means :> as usual, I cannot be blamed for any eye-bleeding resulting from getting derped on.]

abel nightroad

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