7th Case - The Back in the Bar Fight

Mar 15, 2011 03:04

[Booth hadn’t told anyone, but ever since helping Brennan move up to the 6th floor, his back had been bothering him. He might have asked her to crack his back earlier, seeing as she’d been helpful with that before, but Slenderman had come and there’d been bigger concerns than a crick in his spine.

He’d almost forgotten about it, really, until last night’s bar fight, he’d stumbled back to his room and promptly fallen asleep on his couch.

…. He’s regretting that now. His voice is strained as it comes through the journal. Very strained]

Hey…I’ve got nothing against a good, old fashioned bar fight. The alcohol flowing. Tempers rising. It happens. But can’t you people even brawl without making it a natural disaster? I was just starting to like that bar before it got torn to shreds.

Which, by the by? Is NOT part of a good old fashioned bar fight. If it goes beyond shattered glass and a few broken chairs, you’re doing it wrong, okay?


So…uh… would you mind stopping by for a few minutes? Just… you know… Checking in. [please to be fixing his back?]


[ooc: I'm assuming that any replies (other than Brennan's) come before Bones breaks him, unless otherwise specified. ^.^;;]

seeley booth

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