Mar 13, 2011 11:53

[yeah, so. Now seems like a good time for Hartmann to check on her room in the castle, she's been putting it off...and putting it off...the idea of everything being charred for weeks by now isn't very encouraging, shut up. And since she's back, might as well go annoy sisbro and in-law for a bit. Sleeping schedules? She'll worry about that later if/when Eila kicks up a fuss. Best idea y/n --


Hurriedly, she throws the journal open and dictates]

Whomever's been keeping track of that floor map I heard about, occupants of the tenth and thirteenth floors: I'm looking for a couple of girls. They used to live in rooms 1009 and 1304.

I want to confirm if they...haven't...moved elsewhere.

[a long silence follows as she catches her breath. That's a possibility, isn't it? There were mentions before of people thinking their friends had left, when they were in fact still around]

[ooc: open for encounters in person and over the journal. HEARTBREAK WILL ENSUE AT SOME POINT, either in this post or soon after, I must add. :(]

erica hartmann

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