[ So Yukiko was one of the other ones who'd slept through everything. Upon waking up a day or so ago, she'd started reading back...and definitely not liked much of what she found. Children, kidnapped...and once again, she couldn't do anything. If people came in and needed healing, maybe, but aside from that? She couldn't do anything.
As bad as it felt to admit it with so much pain in the recent past, Yukiko was largely happy here; she had friends, a person who truly cared for her, a life that she'd built, on nothing but her own terms. Happenings like this only served to shatter that. Make her feel as if she was useless once more, a scared girl who couldn't do anything without her prince coming in to save her.
Thus, when Morgana comes a-knockin', she'll still be in bed well into the late morning, laying on her stomach with her face firmly buried in the pillow. Hey- at least we're looking good? ]