Ω Second Toy Robot Under My Bed Ω

Mar 04, 2011 22:27

[So, Sabah had been doing his best to keep moving. He HAD been staying in his room, but staying in one place just made him feel uneasy, with Slenderman on the loose. Now he's wandering the halls, a toy robot clutched in one hand, his journal open in the other. If you're monitoring the security cameras and sensors, you're likely to pick up the rather massive presence posessed by the tiny, derpy kid. Unfortunately, the unseen enemy has caught up to him. Rather than run, or cry like he might usually, the disappearances have made the little demigod angry. These are people who could be his friends, and Slenderman was taking them from him. When he finally feels Slenderman come upon him, he turns, anger making his eyes glow a fierce red color. He drops both his journal and toy, and seemingly grows an extra four feet in height over a few seconds, his voice deepening to match.]

I...I'm not afraid of you. You c-can't hurt me!!!

[Unfortunately, hurting Sabah isn't on the creature's mind The last thing you'll hear is a scream that rapidly rises in pitch as Sabah's powers are nullified before the powers of Slenderman. Feel free to find his journal and toy robot, his name written in marker  on one of the legs.]

!slenderman, en sabah nur

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