Feb 15, 2011 10:24
[Valentine's Day? More like Free Sweets Day if you're not attached. For Hartmann, whose love of sweets outweighs her love for every other thing in the world, be it this or any other, February 14 is *~fabulous.~* She's bummed candy off of whoever's been willing to part with it in the past; with the good cheer (?) permeating the castle today, she's more than ready to do it again. Sense of danger? What's that?]
This is wonderful.
[♥ best. holiday. ♥
She's practically radiating bliss. It's hideous, is what it is. AND SHE'S BEAMING AT YOU. Yes, you!
...the sugar may have gotten to her a bit more than necessary]
[ooc: open for planned and unplanned(ry Tags will be coming slowly due to work, but they will happen]
erica hartmann