the doctor got my prescription wrong

Feb 14, 2011 14:59

[Bishamon was not amused with this sudden explosion of candies. They smelled sweet, and rattled when they fell, making a nuisance of themselves in ways candy should not be able to but was somehow managing. Another of the Castle's tricks? Perhaps. No, not perhaps. It was.

So he currently was standing with a small pile at his feet in the lobby, having been intent on taking a walk down to the town just to liven up his day. But this influx of candies was making it harder than he thought. Slowly he bent down and picked up one of the candies, considering for a moment, before popping it into his mouth and immediately wishing he had not.

To chalky! And on top of that, he felt a little strange now too...]

[ooc: Okay! So, Bishamon is blind and cannot read the candy he just ate. So, if you are walking by and see him guess what? YOU GET TO DECIDE WHICH CANDY HE JUST ATE! :D Put the line from the candy in the subject of your tag and that will be how he reacts ~ Have fun guys, but be warned that my responses might not show up till late tonight or early tomorrow, as I have a night shift this evening. Totally unfair, I know.]


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