♥ 012

Feb 11, 2011 20:31

I have to be stronger. I can't let that guys beat me if I do actually fight him someday.

Sora and Riku would be so angry if they knew I challenged Vanitas. But I can't just sit and do nothing, especially if he intends to hurt Sora. I'll never let anything hurt him.

I don't want to feel weak ever again.

[A little while after writing in her journal, Kairi is outside, swinging around the girliest looking weapon in existence. After training with both Sora and Riku, her moves have gotten a lot better than they were before, but practice makes perfect, yeah?

After a while, she lowers the keyblade and flops onto the ground, taking a breather.]

I still have a lot of work to do... I've never trained like this before in my life.

[Poke her if you will. Open over the journal or in person. :) ]


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