Jan 30, 2011 15:20
[For once, you won't find Hunny in the vicinity of the kitchen. Today, he's sitting by the window in his own room, Usa-chan beside him. He's looking a bit more mellow than normal. That's right, Paradisa - you are witnessing a rare Seventeen-Year-Old Moment of Wisdom.
When he speaks, it's directed at his stuffed rabbit. But as his journal is lying open and forgotten on the table behind him, his words are clearly audible to the other residents. As positive as the message is, he still sounds a bit sad.]
❀ You know, if Haru-chan's right and I really did forget someone, maybe it's not so bad. This way, I don't have to miss them so much, ne? ❀
[He pauses for a few long moments.]
❀ ... I wonder what Satoshi's brother was like? ❀
haninozuka mitsukuni