Jan 29, 2011 10:49

[there's a crackle of turning pages, and then the muted thump of Hartmann closing her book. Written:]

Do troubled times call for heroes to step up, or do great people influence the state of affairs with their presence?

A chicken-or-egg question, isn't it. It's been said that strife brings out one's admirable qualities. But in times of peace, leaders on every level can make decisions which impact the lives of many -- laws, politics, the list goes on.

What do you think?

[military men (and women, as the case may be) are expected to command a certain level of knowledge in the arts as well. Such philosophical concepts were generally lost on Hartmann when she'd first encountered them while studying for her officer course, though a few years of experience and just that bit of extra maturity have helped her understand them a little better.

It's amazing how much you can learn when revisiting old material, she thinks, idly tickling the small dachshund curled up in her lap. Even if studying is still a pain...]

[ooc: open in person for team outpost, or respond over the journal :> tags will be sporadic as I'm at work, please be patient]

erica hartmann

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