His sixth sore awakening in half as many months

Jan 26, 2011 22:10

[Crackling paper. Creases that crumple in short lines and tiny rips.

Suddenly, the twitter of birdsong erupts from the page. Why, listen to that! Isn't that nice? It's the first robin of spring.

... Bit early, though, isn't it?

Funny thing, too: the sound seems to be slowing down, lengthening out and dropping in pitch like a cheap recording effect. Alvin and the Chipmunks in reverse. Before long words from a piping voice can be picked out of the noise:]

--remember having one of these! I used to - everyone had at least-!

[A short pause. The scrape of settling ice. And then a very unmanly YELP.]

Aww, cripes, it's cold!!

((Timmy's return! And last journal post. I AM OPEN TO EVERYTHING. ♥))

tim drake (robin ii)

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