(no subject)

Jan 23, 2011 00:23


[York had a good point; they needed somebody who could magic up a location spell]

Yo. How good are you with locating spells? Like, say, of a possessed goddess?

[Sunnydale/LA Crew]

We got an apocalypse. Library crew needs some help with the research. Kinda thinking this is outta most people's usual Sunday night.

[Angel, B, Spike]

We figure this thing, I'm going in. Rescue op. This chick is way outta our league, but think I can handle getting people out. Not saying you gotta come, but hey, if you wanna get a taste of throwing down in this world? Got a chance.


[all that taken care of, Faith plops down onto a chair in the library, throwing her feet up on the table. She's got snacks littering as much of the place as books. She lets out a heavy sigh and drops the headphones that were covering her ears.

Research? Not her thing. Hitting stuff until it talks? Her thing.]

Yo, what do we got?

'Cause I'm getting an itch to do anything other than look at another picture of evisceration.

[she hears some movement in the stacks and calls out]

Yo, if you're slacking off back there, you better be gettin' laid.

[OOC: Has your character been taking up long hours in the library? Getting frustrated at hundreds of books of nothing? WELL THEN KIDS, COME BY BECAUSE IT'S A LIBRARY PARTY. Nerd style. Open to everybody on Team Research. FEEL FREE TO THREAD HOP.]

faith lehane

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