18 - A Divine Question - 18

Jan 21, 2011 21:39

[Dictated into the journals]

I ain't exactly the religious sort. Never gave it much thought, really. But all this destruction and people goin' missin'... I think I liked the god Shepherd Book always talked about more'n I like the ones we got wanderin' around here.

There's no chance we could get 'em to disappear by just... I don't know... not believin' in 'em... is there?

[Friends (includes her Crew)]

I know Sam's missin' but....

The rest of you... you're all somewhere safe, right? I'd take it as a real favor if you all'd just let me know you ain't one of them that's gone missin'.


[Serenity Crew]

You ain't none of you weaklings or nothin'... and I know we've faced more'n our fair share of trouble. But... do you think it'd be alright if we just stuck close for a few days? Just until things settle down some.


[after completing the filters, Kaylee's just going to be sitting at the table in the crew's quarters. She's supposedly looking over the armor plans Washington gave her for Christmas, but the way she's fidgeting with the edges is a hint that she's not focusing as much as she's pretending]

[ooc: Open over the journals for everyone or crew quarters for the Serenity cast.]

kaylee frye

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