attempt number eleven ♓ (action/dictated)

Jan 16, 2011 18:19

[ Along with Oliver and a few others, Claire's taken to chilling in the library to pour over reference books and try and figure out what she can about Isis. For the first time in, you know, ever, she's doing a pretty good job of not letting herself get distracted and looks ... well, probably more intense about it than anyone's ever seen her.

Look, Lois Lane is serious business. :( Their sistermance depends on it.

But, as promised, she brought her journal to try and get in touch with Cassie and whoever else might be able to help. Let it be said that she debated for eternity before getting over being totally freaked by Ares and adding him to that filter. ]

( cassie sandsmark and ares )

I have a feeling it's not news to anyone in the castle by now, but ... Lois is possessed. Isis, apparently, and she's trying to restore Osiris. Looking for his heart -- his literal heart. Gross, I know.

Anyway. I've been in the library all afternoon trying to find stuff out about them, but I realized it might be easier to talk to someone who'd have a better chance of knowing ... personally. I don't know if either of you've met her or something, but I figured it was worth checking.

claire bennet

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