
Jan 15, 2011 17:02

merlin, arthur pendragon

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excalibured January 16 2011, 01:46:35 UTC
[Arthur's hand immediately moves toward his sword, head snapping to look over at the bed, WHAT THE HELL, HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE]



justmerlin January 16 2011, 01:59:13 UTC
[Give him a moment, he's in pain... But eventually he pulls himself out from beneath the bed, looking up at Arthur a little irritated.]

I didn't know how long this was going to last! It's not like I planned this.


excalibured January 16 2011, 02:18:51 UTC
[He's still glaring]

You should not have been under there at all!


justmerlin January 16 2011, 02:41:47 UTC
Where was I supposed to go? I was a cat! If I could have found my way into my own room, believe me, I would have.

[And he means it, too! He stands now, rubbing the back of his neck for a moment before he begins to cough. Well, it's more of a hack. Like the feeling one gets when they've swallowed a strand of hair or... twenty...]


excalibured January 16 2011, 03:55:11 UTC
You might have slept in the lobby! [It has couches and chairs D<]

[He wrinkles his nose, that's so gross, don't you dare throw that up onto his floor]


justmerlin January 16 2011, 04:09:19 UTC
[He pats his chest with his hand as he tries to get the odd feeling out of his system. There's no actual hairball, thankfully, but the feeling won't immediately go away.]

Just as you wanted me to sleep in the stables, is that it? You'll let others into your room but your own manservant can't even sleep under the bed for one night.


excalibured January 16 2011, 04:18:09 UTC
Perfectly adequate places to sleep, Merlin! [...Oh no, you did not]

Now that, is definitely none of your concern.


justmerlin January 16 2011, 04:27:14 UTC
Oh, right. Sorry! I forgot. You prefer to keep these things secret from me. [He paces a few feet away from him, but then turns back around to face him.] And, remind me why is it this isn't my concern? I'm not asking much, just a bit of honesty. I mean, the fact that you didn't even think to mention it? I thought, you know--

[Huffs, falling silent. He's not gonna say the f-word, he's not!]


excalibured January 16 2011, 04:51:44 UTC
What in the hell is the matter with you?! It is not at all necessary in your duties as my manservant, and I certainly am not about to start sitting down and detailing my life here for you, in the interest of being 'honest'!

[A pause] And you're one to talk about secrets, aren't you Merlin? Is there nothing you should have shared with me?


justmerlin January 16 2011, 05:12:51 UTC
[...Okay, so he has a point. But still! He had hoped that he would at least... be in the know about these things. His shoulders slouch.

And then every single nerve in his body is completely shot at that question. What? What kind of question is that?!]

Me? What would I have to hide that you wouldn't find out about on your own? [Because no way would Arthur ever find out about his magic, right?]


excalibured January 16 2011, 05:57:57 UTC
[He arches his eyebrow at that, and his tone is completely icy, but he'll drop it] What indeed.

Such things are better left for when you are acquainted to Paradisa. [Aka had you not been a kitty, you would have found out sooner and verbally]


justmerlin January 16 2011, 06:11:35 UTC
["What indeed"? What does that even mean? Aside from a general feeling of unease now at the possibility of him knowing about a certain secret, but it isn't like he would have ever brought it up. Ever.

He's fairly certain he wouldn't.

Though... he's a lot less angry about it and still more hurt and confused. But now mostly nervous about what that even meant.]

Oh come on. When have I ever been able to keep something from you?


excalibured January 16 2011, 06:23:59 UTC
Are you seriously doing this, Merlin?

Perhaps a little outlawed side activity for, oh, the entire length of time I have known you?


justmerlin January 16 2011, 06:27:21 UTC

A very long pause.

Very, very long pause.]

...I only went to the tavern on the job once.


excalibured January 16 2011, 06:41:00 UTC
[He's striding forward quickly and smacking sharply upside the head]

Magic, Merlin! MAGIC!


justmerlin January 16 2011, 06:51:19 UTC
[That fear and dread he was feeling moments ago? Just intensified tenfold.]

Magic? Me?! Why would you think that I would dabble in magic?! [...Was it Allen and his talk of legends?]


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