[Town Filter]
[enjoying a nice walk with Sophie into town, talking and such. They round the fountain and he randomly hops up to walk along the edge, a journal falling open beside them] So what else been goin' on?
[shrugs] Nothing much. A little here, a little there. [eyes him on the fountain] Be careful up there.
[holds his arms out for balance] I'm fine.
[sighs] Mmmm-hmmm.
[a little half grin. Let him have his fun!] So how's that play goin' that you were gonna put on? [doesn't notice that...his shoelace might be untied...]
Slow going, I'm afraid. Our director keeps wimping out on me.
Who's the director?
[glances over with a LOOK and a smirk] Oh. Riiight. [someone should be watching where he's going probably, his laces keep getting caught underfoot]
What? [shrugs] He's just getting a bit of stage fright, that's all.
Sure. Ever think maybe he's just drawin' it out? You know...extra time with Sophie? [trademark grin here]
I doubt it. If that were the case, he'd be more willing to actually do things.
He doesn't wanna hang out anymore? [his arms fall slightly as he gets into the conversation..]
No, he just ... isn't motivated.
[looks up at him again] Are you sure you should be up there?
I'm fine, Soph. I've got the skill of a ballerina. Anyway, just get on his case. Not like you're not good at th- [and he steps on a lace and stumbles. He tries to catch himself, his arms are flailing at his sides, but he just loses his balance completely and tips off the edge of the fountain. There might be a bit of a scream as he tumbles towards Sophie..] WHOAAAAA!!
[flails a bit with him and tries to catch his weight, but they both wind up tumbling to the ground with a shriek]
[he may be skinny, but he's built enough. Landing on her can't be good. The wind is knocked out of him and he bounces a bit, hitting his head on the ground. It's a loud thunk sound. He's out.]
[the back of her head hits the ground as well and she's out just as soon as it happens, her head flopping to the side as it happens]
[Black is Sophie, Green is Hardison, feel free to find them!]