jukebox selection D06 - Fade to Black, Metallica

Jan 11, 2011 12:17

[she'd been making her rounds; check on Chase, stop by Sam's, and then up to see if Dean was around. It wasn't like she thought he'd just vanish again, but once more the castle decides to pull the rug out from under her and he's gone again.]

I swear, this place eats Dean Winchesters. [she might sound a little bitter, but she can't even dwell on it]

Not that it needs saying, but for anyone that knew him Dean's gone wherever people go when they drop out of this place. Home, I guess.

[knits her brow up in concern] Maybe it's better to just say he went back to finish what he'd started. 'Cause that word home gets thrown around like it's supposed to signify where you belong, but some of us might have run out of places we belong.

[she folds the journal open as she walks to the Lux, for her shift] Anyway, anyone that knew him that wants to have a beer or a shot of something, swing by the Lux and it'll be on me.

joanna beth 'jo' harvelle

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