attempt number eight ♓ (action) (dream sequence)

Dec 24, 2010 13:02

[ Seated around a big, wooden table is Claire's entire family -- not just the Bennets, but Nathan and Angela Petrelli and Meredith Gordon as well. But, wait, isn't that last one dead? Well, that's kind of the point of a dream. Nathan and Noah are at the heads of the table, with Angela seated across from Meredith on Nathan's side, and Sandra seated across from Lyle on the Bennet half. Despite the fact that Sandra and Noah both have their wedding rings back on, Doug -- Sandra's new boyfriend -- is present, and making an ass of himself. Mr. Muggles and Doug's pomeranian are running around the well-decorated dining room of the Bennet home, but for some reason Penny, Claire's dalmatian in Paradisa, is there too…

Doug and Claire are opposite each other, but there are open seats beside them both, and the food looks amazing. Feel free to invite yourself to join! ]

"Noah, would you carve the turkey?" [ It's Sandra asking, but Claire stands up to take the carving knife. ]

No, it's okay, I've got it. Gotta make up for missing the last one, right? [ She flashes a quick smile, but in the process of leaning over the table she manages to cut herself in the hand. She doesn't seem to notice, but Angela holds out her napkin, hitting Claire in the arm with it in a kind of non-subtle, Angela Petrelli version of a hint.

Claire looks down and rests the knife on the turkey plate, grabbing the napkin and holding it beneath her hand so the blood doesn't get on the table. When the cut seals up, she wipes the blood off. Doug looks a little shocked and horrified, but Sandra just pats his arm in a patronizing way like he's having some adorable reaction that a child would. Nathan looks a little tense and annoyed -- like he's judging Claire for showing off -- but she just shrugs her shoulder in a sheepish, unapologetic way and rests the napkin back on the table as she works on cutting into the turkey. ]

"Thanksgiving wasn't the same without you, Clairebear." [ It doesn't seem to occur to her that she didn't really miss Thanksgiving with the way time moves in Paradisa versus the real world, because she just gives a sympathetic look to Noah, who'd said it. ]

I know. I had some friends who invited me to have it with them, though. You'd really like them, I wish you could meet them. [ Why couldn't they meet? For some reason, she wasn't really racking her brain for the answer, because in a dream you just don't question that kind of thing. It's just how the world is. ]

"Maybe someday." [ It's Nathan's terse answer and she just nods a little awkwardly, really looking at him for the first time and wondering why seeing him makes her want to cry … The world doesn't revolve around her, though, and while she looks back at the turkey to start working on it, Noah and Angela start discussing work with Meredith and Nathan. By the sound of it, leaving the Company was the best decision he'd ever made for his family. ]

[ooc; the open seats are just to make it clear that threads can have up to 2 people from paradisa join at a time, but multiple threads are obviously a possibility, just as long as it's not like five people up in here at once. just gimme a heads up if you're planning to have a character stop by! :) happy christmas, everyone. ]

claire bennet

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