So…it looks seems I owe you a date?
[The New Dick Grayson (there has to be a better way to tell them apart)]
You’ve probably had some time to get familiar with everything, but if you still wanted a tour I wouldn’t mind.
[/Dick Grayson]
I don’t know about anyone else, but that snow is too perfect to leave untouched. This calls for snowmen. And snow angels. And… anything else we can think of…
Anyone feel like joining me?
[And, if anyone comes looking for her, Jilly can be seen on the castle grounds attempting to make a snowman. Attempting, because moving through snow is incredibly difficult when you’re stuck in
heavy, bulky skirts, but she doesn’t mind. It’s warmer than what she wore last year when she did this, and she’s not exactly in a rush. ]
[ooc: Open for innocent funtimes in the snow or unsuspecting Christmas kisses. This is the one chance you’ll get before she starts actively trying to avoid people. (Not that, you know, that’ll actually work.) Old and new CR is all very, very welcome]