Sylvanas, Arthas, and Riful. An ally, and two great threats, removed from their power. Riful may still yet be a challenge, according to that woman that spoke of her earlier, but Arthas is human, and mortal once more. Striking him down would be easy, and yet, even if his death would be permanent, I could not deal such a blow. The potential to become the monster is in there, but if he hasn't performed whatever acts would lead him down that road in his mind, how could anyone justify ending his life?
And then, there's Sylvanas. I believe she has the right to know what will become of her, but it would be a heartless act to tell someone who trusts you that their future contains nothing but misery and woe. Her sisters will be happy to be reunited with their lost sibling, but it will be a hollow joy in the end. These 'losses' are never permanent.
That choices like this must even be made is a disgusting thing. What right does this place have to toy with our lives like this?
This clothing is rather nice. I'd consider it a good Winter Veil present, if not for the fact that there's undoubtedly some kind of ulterior motive on the castle's part to saddling all of us with a massive wardrobe change.