three shots

Dec 03, 2010 01:02

[Dictated. Loudly.]

Okay, dudes (or lady dudes). Help a guy out.

So before I got to this special place, something happened that I don't really remember and I'm down to one eye because of it ( Read more... )


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written; haruno December 3 2010, 09:10:38 UTC
Thinking of something like an eyepatch?


as_if_whatever December 3 2010, 19:37:01 UTC
That sounds kinda... boring.

[Regardless of canon, he hadn't thought of it at all.]


haruno December 3 2010, 19:45:52 UTC
I can come up with others, though it kind of depends on how much of the tissue is left. Some people I know use headbands to cover an eye, others stick with bandages. An eyepatch can be made to reflect whatever you want, you know? Decorate it with a symbol that means something to you, things like that.


as_if_whatever December 3 2010, 19:48:05 UTC
Huh... I guess... you have a point.


haruno December 3 2010, 20:20:31 UTC
Let me know if you end up wanting any help with that. It's something I've worked with people on before, back home.

[ added after a moment; ]

Me being Haruno Sakura.


as_if_whatever December 3 2010, 20:21:56 UTC
Huh, really? You've had experience with this kind of thing?


haruno December 3 2010, 20:25:53 UTC
Eye injury? In a general sense, yes. I'm a trained medical shinobi on my world. You see all kinds of injuries coming into the hospitals, and you learn to prepare for all different ones out in the field. Necessary training, as my shishou would say.


as_if_whatever December 3 2010, 20:46:56 UTC
Huh. That's actually kinda cool.

[He may have no idea what a "shinobi" or a "shishou" is, but he's not above being a little impressed anyway.]


haruno December 3 2010, 20:57:02 UTC
[ ladfsm uh ]

Thanks? What were you, back home?


as_if_whatever December 4 2010, 01:50:01 UTC
[He answers with an obvious air of pride.]

I was a castle guard. I kept out nosy kids and... other questionable people.


haruno December 4 2010, 05:57:15 UTC
That's an important job for anyone to have. Do you like talking about where you're from?


as_if_whatever December 4 2010, 10:59:07 UTC
Well, I like it when I can remember it. Some parts of my memory are pretty fuzzy lately, though.

[Pause. There's probably something he should be adding to that. ...Oh, right--politeness.]

Uh, so what about you? You seem to remember where you came from pretty well, huh?


haruno December 5 2010, 05:00:04 UTC
Only lately?

Aah, yes, I do. My loss doesn't have to deal with memory, or anything of the sort.


as_if_whatever December 5 2010, 21:53:57 UTC
Yeah, only lately. I haven't really thought about it much, but I guess my "loss" probably has a lot to do with memory, heh.


haruno December 6 2010, 06:33:16 UTC
Memory looks like it's a popular one. Or maybe it's just easier on whatever it is perpetuating the system that brings us here.


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