Nov 17, 2010 21:25
[The journal can pick up the faint strains of an engine, and the less faint strains of Queen. Crowley's headed out to get Faye back from her stupid mission of stupid. His journal is open on the passenger seat as he dictates]
I'm going to start a new game. It's called 'Predicting the Antics on the Expedition'. Wherein we make educated guesses at what happens to the fools who decide to trek out and explore the area. Here are a few of mine:
Someone eats those glowing things. Realises they're animals. Regrets it. Then, to cap it off, it turns out the glowing things are contagious with something. Perhaps they even become a glowing thing themselves.
The sweet little old lady turns out to be an evil ninja.
Someone has a forbidden romance with the cat. It ends badly.
Anyone want to add their own? I'm on a long drive and could use the entertainment to drown out Mercury.