How are you guys doing? [worrieddddddd]
You know what? I think we should go shopping.
Uh... hey. Not to sound completely awkward, but do you want to do something together?
If you had some free time, I thought we should get together to do something. Just... you know, talk. [she might sound a bit nervous, but figures she has to do it eventually]
Let's see... I won't be in there too long. [if anyone is passing through the eleventh floor, you'll see Yukari with a long ass piece of awesome thick twine tied to her wrist, and she's tying the other end to the outside a peg she put in the floor. She'll also be cracking a glow stick and shaking it, getting ready to head on inside. But before that she'll address the journal one more time]
Just checking, has anyone been poking around Insolitus lately?