the second seal ✝ voice

Oct 24, 2010 18:09

Well, this is festive. Somewhere in Hell, Samhain is spinning in his shallow grave.

gabriel )

ruby (demon)

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painhumbles October 25 2010, 07:03:55 UTC
[There... Might be really loud snoring come from Gabriel's room. This may or may not be because LOL HUMAN BODIES REQUIRE SLEEP and he... Hasn't been doing that.

So Ruby gets treated to the wonderful song styling of SNORE, SNORE... SCRAMBLETHUD.

And now there's a former archangel at the door, trying to look like he didn't just faceplant randomly.]

We could, but what would the neighbors think? [Eyebrow.

...Yes. He just... Make your pow-wow into something dirty. Score one for Gabriel. Maybe he was having a nice dream... Y'know. His first one ever.


room filter! leadhisarmy October 25 2010, 07:33:11 UTC
[ Unfortunately, the Paradisa rooms are soundproof unless the castle doesn't want them to be, so Ruby doesn't get to be privy to the dulcet tones of Gabriel's snoring. It's okay, she'll hear it later. /eyebrow waggle.

She cocks an expectant eyebrow when he shows up looking not altogether too put-together -- not to mention the hot tranny mess that she can see his Grace to now be -- then at the suggestive comment casts a quick look left, then right down his hallway. Reaching out to grab fistfuls of his shirt, she pushes him backwards into his room, following after him and then slamming the door shut behind her.

Yeah. What would the neighbors think, Gabe? ]

You gonna start taking this seriously any time soon? Or, I don't know, maybe find a way to stop looking like you've been wearing the same clothes for a week? See, I kinda thought you'd actually be marginally invested in this little endeavor of ours, considering it's for your benefit.


room filter! painhumbles October 25 2010, 07:40:41 UTC
[Gabriel likes to think his life defies soundproofing. But he also likes to think his life defies... Lots of things.

Like being raped by hot bitches.

Not that there's much protest when Ruby grabs his shirt and shoves him backwards, beyond the general THAT SHOULDN'T WORK LIKE THAT. Because, dammit, the bitch shoves hard for some reason. He has a feeling he should be wary around her, but, well, he feels wary of half the castle. And near-molestation tends to make a guy... Weirdly turned on.

Oh, and... Warier. That too.]

I'm taking this seriously! [This is always Gabriel's protest, even when he isn't. It's not his fault his... 'taking this seriously' involves sarcasm.] And I happen to like these clothes and, uh, I'm not really sold on how the library is gonna fix what no one in the damn castle has managed to fix yet. So call me a cynic, but I'm in no hurry.

[And he still doesn't know what's in it for YOU, Rubychan. :|]


room filter! leadhisarmy October 25 2010, 07:54:58 UTC
[ Ruby can work with weirdly turned on, okay. In fact, she prefers it that way. ]

Boy, you know, I never thought I'd meet an angel, but I gotta say, I really didn't expect my first to be so freaking washed up.

You want the truth? [ She slowly starts circling him like a vulture, but stops when she reaches a convenient desk in his room and hops up onto the desk, crossing her legs and getting comfortable. ] It probably won't do jack. But, it's the only start we have, and something tells me that considering the lore I've already found in there? It'll be the place to go to find out how to raise you up.


room filter! painhumbles October 26 2010, 06:07:03 UTC

Washed up? Please. I'm off my game, princess.... Okay, more than off my game. If my game were a sports team, it'd be the Angels. [He pauses. That joke was a lot funnier in his head. Whatever. He's a natural comedian. He can walk off a bad joke.]

And what? You get a jacked-up angel bodyguard? Did someone have a lot of unanswered prayers as a kid? 'Cause, uh, I'll tell you right now? I'm not that kinda angel. I haven't been in business since Mary had to show Joseph the pregnancy test. It's not that I don't wanna make like Austin Powers here. Iiit's that I don't wanna walk into something, I ain't gonna walk out of.

[He did that already. He ended up here.]


room filter! leadhisarmy October 26 2010, 06:46:44 UTC
[ She's laughing, Gabe, but not at your shitty jokes. She's laughing at YOU. Can you feel it in your soul? You should. ]

You think I need a bodyguard? Aren't you adorable. How about you put the trumpet down and step off your pedestal for a minute and use your brain instead of your ego?

I've heard about what angels can do. You get your juice back, you can get us out.


room filter! painhumbles October 26 2010, 09:13:30 UTC

Wow. That's a great idea. Can't believe no one's ever thought of that one before... Oh wait. I'm not the only angel here. [Granted, Castiel's also lacking mojo and God only knows about Aziraphale, but.] A for effort, though.


room filter! leadhisarmy October 26 2010, 09:17:02 UTC
[ And now for something completely different -- no, wait, this is Ruby. This is pretty much par the course for her.

A slow smile creeps across her face and she pushes herself off the desk, stepping slowly towards him. ]

Not the only one, maybe, but you're the strongest. I've been doing my homework. I mean, you're no Michael, but I don't think he's the kinda guy I'd want to get in bed with, anyway. [ Take that as you will, Gabe. ]


room filter! painhumbles October 26 2010, 18:04:41 UTC
[....Touche, pretty lady.]

Well, Michael kinda lives by the sword and I don't mean that one. [He shrugs, taking a step forward to meet her halfway.] Twist my arm. I still don't think it's gonna work- oh don't get me wrong. I'd love to just snap us all to Barbados and call this a bad dream, but I'm not stupid. I may not have my mojo anymore? But I can still smell that this place ain't vying for the next Disney park.


room filter! leadhisarmy October 26 2010, 18:40:18 UTC
[ That's a scary thought. Ruby's smirk drops a little. ]

If we've landed ourselves in some little slice of Hell so bad even an archangel can't claw his way out, we're more screwed than any of us thought.


room filter! painhumbles October 28 2010, 01:26:30 UTC
[And Gabriel just... Smirks, because as terrifying as this is... He's sure as hell too much of a man to admit there is some serious pants-pissing fear going on whenever he really stops and thinks about this place.]

Took you that long to get that? It yanked my Grace right outta me. If this ain't Hell, Lucy's got some 'splainin' to do.

[He shrugs.]

But, hey. Maybe it's just afraid of me at full power. We get the goods, maybe we can take a sledgehammer to the foundation and make like the Bolsheviks. Who knows?


room filter! leadhisarmy October 28 2010, 02:25:48 UTC
Not that I don't appreciate all the foresight on your part, and I do, really, but maybe we should just stick to handling the problems we've already got on our hands.

As in, you know, get your mojo back then worry about what you can or can't do with it.


room filter! painhumbles October 28 2010, 06:55:29 UTC
I dream big. It's part of my charm.

[He holds up a hand.] So. Library, it is.

[There's a long moment where Gabriel just stares at his hand in pre-snap position and just... Contemplates the fact that his life is really hard. And he's gonna have to get used to walking. Sob.]

...Right. Stairs work.


room filter! leadhisarmy October 28 2010, 06:58:50 UTC
No dice, huh? [ Smirky smirk. ] Oh well. Meetcha there?

[ Yeah, she's going to take this opportunity to mock his impotency and instead of walking with him, she'll stride past him and disappear before he turns around -- just to prove that her mojo is still kickin'.

And find a table to wait at in the library. ]


room filter! painhumbles October 29 2010, 18:04:12 UTC

So after a long walk of shame to the library- and if it took a long time, it's because Gabriel was just making Ruby wait, because she's a bitch and not because... He couldn't find the stairs. :|- Gabriel finally shows up and plops down.]

If this works? I got no problem leaving you here. Y'know... Just so we're clear on that part.


room filter! leadhisarmy October 30 2010, 08:51:15 UTC
Oh, I'm not too worried. Spend enough time together ... you might change your mind. [ Yeah, there's some seduction to that tone, but she'll just let it drop and slide off the table, striding past him to hit up some bookshelves. ]

As far as I can tell, this place is pretty magical itself -- the library, not just the castle. Gets you whatever you need. Shapeshifters, pagan gods, angels, demons, it's got all the lore. Hell, even I've learned some things.


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