attempt number three ♓ (written)

Oct 21, 2010 22:50

[Claire's sitting at a table in the kitchen, brooding over a half-made PB&J sandwich which she is excessively coating with peanut butter because it is SO not the most important thing on her mind right now. Sylar's here. Sylar's here and Peter was being nice to him.

Not that she didn't already know this was the Twilight Zone and all, but this is kind of pushing it. She knows she should probably be poring over maps and packing and trying to figure out the rest of this stupid dead zone stuff, but ...

This just seems so much more important right now. She's got the journal open beside her, and she takes a break from her sandwich ruining to write in it. Feel free to bother her -- over journals or in person.]

I hate thi

Is this place always so

Has anyone ever had someone they really, really hate show up here? I know there are all kinds of horrible people around, someone must have tips for dealing with them.

( peter )

Since when are we rolling out the welcome wagon for Sylar? I'm not even going to touch the weird reminiscing -- I mean, seriously? When's the last time any of us talked to Matt Parkman?

Alive, I can deal with. But here? ... An explanation would be nice.

( akihiko )

Any word from Tim on whether he wants to come with or not?

claire bennet

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