(no subject)

Oct 12, 2010 20:36

[heroes and trusted buds]

Howdy, folks. We've got a little problem.

On the night of that attack in the city, Tim and I found some bombs on a rooftop. And then we found some more along some pipes. And more. Long story short, there are a hell of a lot of bombs in the city. We've spent a few nights out there trying to map them all, but we definitely didn't find them all.

Hold on.

[Suddenly, a nice map appears!]

I've marked out the areas we've already found bombs, but that doesn't mean there might not be more close by.

Hey, when did you--Uh, anyway! This is just a heads up since a lot of you fly around and end up near the upper halves of buildings. Sorta guessing that's where most are located since we haven't heard any giant explosions. Be careful and don't mess with them! We'll be working on trying to get those bombs taken care of... no matter how long it takes...


Damian set those up when he was on his loss.

Terry, how much do you know about things that go boom? Since, uh, that stuff seems kinda more near your time. I don't want Tim to make us explode.

[There's an offended noise here.]


[[ooc: Red is Tim, purple is Steph! The bombs were indeed set by Damian while on his 666 loss, but obviously are not an immediate threat. HAVE FUN WITH YOUR NEW HOBBY FOR THE NEXT HOWEVER MANY WEEKS.]]

tim drake, stephanie brown

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