Issue #5 - Feeling less than heroic

Oct 01, 2010 15:01

[After assisting in taking Venom down, rather than get himself to the clinic like he should have, Matt instead dragged himself back to his apartment. He'd made it as far the room he kept hidden, housing his costumes and sensory deprivation tank, and had peeled himself out of his mask and leather jacket before collapsing hard on the tiled floor. Matt knew he'd very like broken several ribs, and was likely bleeding internally from his fight with Venom, but Matt's stubborn independent streak had kept him from asking anyone for help. Instead, he lay on the cold tile of his Devilcave, trying clumsily to bandage his bruised and broken torso. He'd carelessly left all his doors open, security not being high on his list of priorities at the moment. His journal lays open near him, and when he speaks, his voice is a ragged whisper.]

G...guess this is what I get...for doing the right thing. [He sighs heavily, it's painful, but the only way he can breathe is by taking in the biggest gulpfuls of air he can manage, despite the piercing pain in his chest.]

Elektra...? I'm sorry. I couldn't...I couldn't just do nothing.

[He reaches a hand for the journal, leaving a bloody hand smear on the page.]

((Anyone's welcome to come give him a hand, but please wait until Elektra replies first.))

elektra natachios, matt murdock

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