[ Private ]
More and more, I wish to return home. I wish to see my friends and family again and.. there is also the matter of my husband. Will I really remember him when I return? I will continue to believe that he is a good man, the castle would not have taken my memories of him otherwise. There is a saying, one that states you should keep your friends close but your enemies closer. I wonder if..
.. Oh, no, how silly of me. That certainly has nothing to do with our relationship!
But, should I leave, I will miss the friends I have made here.
[ after a few pen taps, the next bit is dictated thoughtfully ]
I will never partake in the punch ever again. In fact, at least for the next few days, I do not want to drink water either! It's nice to be normal again, I was growing tired of having the body of an adult. I will grow up one day, so there is little need to rush these things.
Do things like that always happen? At a dance, I mean. We always had similar celebrations in Castoria, though they were much more formal, and I never had to worry about someone.. putting something strange in my drink. What a rude thing to do. Still, the punch aside, I did have a lovely time!
The world really does change a great deal in the future, doesn't it? A car would be much more convenient than a carriage! But I much prefer a scene painted by trees than one with too many buildings.