Forty Seven

Sep 16, 2010 11:46

[Wybie found himself upside down in a bush in the garden on his return to the castle. To say it’s been a week of suck would be an understatement, so he’s decided to run to the one place where he knows he’s absolutely, without question, SAFE ( Read more... )

wyborne lovat

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1/...4 probably ultimaverum September 16 2010, 17:02:08 UTC
[Wait what]


ultimaverum September 16 2010, 17:03:07 UTC



ultimaverum September 16 2010, 17:04:53 UTC


Done lskjdf /spams ultimaverum September 16 2010, 17:08:10 UTC
[Sorry if you wanted to be alone, bro, but this one doesn't... believe it... so not all that long after that particular announcement goes up, he's stalking down the hall towards the room, tense enough to do even dear Rory proud]


mmm delicious spam why_born September 16 2010, 17:15:37 UTC
[Oh well, being alone doesn't work when you sit yourself in a hallway anyway. But when Q shows up, Wybie looks at him with his BIG SAD EYES, then looks back at the door which does not have Rory;s name on]

...This place sucks.


Oh good I'm glad you like it because... 1/2... ultimaverum September 16 2010, 17:23:08 UTC
[Okay... Okay, so BIG SAD EYES are super effective and make him pause. Have some BIG SAD EYES back, though they're probably slightly less effective because he's not a babby anymore... )8]



ultimaverum September 16 2010, 17:27:55 UTC
[But then of course, he follows Wybie's gaze to the door and... well...]

[His brain kind of erupts into a tangled mess of emotions, most prominently a rather frantic denial, No no no no he can't be gone noooo I didn't... get to... no noooo. However, he's a big boy, and he's already pissed at the castle anyway for what just happened so...]

[Well... Rory didn't have much use for that door anymore anyway...]


why_born September 16 2010, 17:37:23 UTC
[Wow, Q. That's kind of badass. If Wybie wasn't having the worst week in his short life, he'd find that cool. Instead, however, he is going to get up and follow Q quietly and loiter by what remains of the door]


ultimaverum September 16 2010, 17:46:20 UTC
[Just... gonna... stare into the room for awhile, a try not to freak the fuck out with a kid standing right there. He's not managing very well though, kind of... visibly shaking while he tries not to get completely steam-rolled by wave after wave of... emotion]

[Oh god, he's gone...]

[Shuddering sigh. Rubs a hand over his face, trying to focus on something else. You'll do for now, kid... Don't mind the way his voice cracks when he starts talking...]

Y... you. You're Wybie, right...?


why_born September 16 2010, 17:52:59 UTC
[Feel free, dude, Wybie is, of course, the worst emotional rock to cling to today, but he'll still nod. He's looking around the room, too taking stock that Rory really has gone]

Uh huh.


ultimaverum September 16 2010, 17:58:46 UTC
[Ehhh, he's really just saying things to say them. Something to distract him from the rising tidal wave of YOU FUCKED UP trying to overtake him :/]

[And he'll... toe the line of the door and take a step back. Got no right in there anymore...]

Then... I'm sorry. The castle's... timing could use a little work, hm? [Laughs, though it's... kind of frantic, and a little too high, and obviously put on]


why_born September 16 2010, 18:04:44 UTC
The castle's whole idea of what is cool to do to people could use a little work.

[He'll walk in there and rummage around Rory's stuff]


ultimaverum September 16 2010, 18:06:56 UTC
[Dat's cool. He'll hang back here and watch, rubbing a hand over his face again]



why_born September 16 2010, 18:13:21 UTC
[Normally Wybie would babble for a while about how MUCH this place sucks ass, but right now he's not really feeling it.

He does, however, pull out the grapple gun. He stares at it for a moment, before looking at Q. THERE GO THOSE EYES AGAIN]

Do you think he'd mind if I took this?


ultimaverum September 16 2010, 18:17:38 UTC
[Ohhh jesus, why you gotta look at him like that...]

N-no... of course... he wouldn't mind... [Nnngh, sniffs and just... looks down, covering his eyes. Not gonna... cry in front of dis kid... no siree )8]


why_born September 16 2010, 18:24:49 UTC
[Wybie nods mutely, holding the gun a little closer to himself, before looking at Q]

He'll be okay. I mean...he's just gone home, right?



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