Twenty Five

Sep 06, 2010 12:34

[Before classes start, Shortpack is chillin' eating breakfast, ready to start the day. His journal is open beside him]

I was dragged off to private tutoring at the Institute before I had a chance to start high school, this feels like a second chance to find out what it's really like. I've got to admit, I'm kinda excited.

7 )


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Shortpack brdskllwarrior September 6 2010, 13:46:20 UTC
[Okay, Shortpack, you know that first question is iffy to ask her in the best of times, and with unchecked raging teenage hormones? Not so much a good idea.]

Of course I'm okay. It's just really annoying at this point, but I'm not dead yet. And I've always been human since I've been at Paradisa, you know that. Did you hit your head or something? Are you on a Loss?


7 pocketsizedpal September 6 2010, 15:43:08 UTC
I'm just making sure. And no, I'm not on a loss.

[But clearly you still are. He makes a note to let York and 6 know if he sees them :/]


Shortpack brdskllwarrior September 6 2010, 16:26:45 UTC
You worry too much.

So, what class are you in? Castle made me a Sophomore.


7 pocketsizedpal September 6 2010, 16:30:43 UTC
I worry just the right amount.

I'm a Senior. Which I guess makes sense, it's where I'd be if I were in school back home right now.


Shortpack brdskllwarrior September 6 2010, 16:51:05 UTC
[Lightly,] Which is too much.

I guess this means we won't have any classes together ... ? [She won't admit it, but the prospect of being around all these people all day has her a little nervous.]


7 pocketsizedpal September 6 2010, 17:34:11 UTC
I can relax sometimes. [Lies]

I guess not. But we can hang out at lunch and after school. [A pause] ...Remember, try to talk to people before punching them.


Shortpack brdskllwarrior September 6 2010, 18:51:29 UTC
Right, and I can fly.[Teasing, here. At this point she knows it's futile trying to get you to worry less and it's not like she doesn't ever give you reason to worry]

This is going to be a weird week, isn't it? [Not quite as excited about it as you, BFF. Also, jokingly,] But punching gets much better results!


7 pocketsizedpal September 6 2010, 19:25:40 UTC
...Some people think being able to worry is healthy. [Exactly, EXACTLY]

It is going to be a weird week, and talking nicely will help. You can punch people in sports. [Okay, you can't, but he has to give her something]


Shortpack brdskllwarrior September 7 2010, 01:11:41 UTC
They sound like very nice people. [Oh look! Doom! I'ma go hit it with a stick!]

Sports, huh? How about you, what'll you be up to while I'm out doing the punching?


7 pocketsizedpal September 7 2010, 12:33:41 UTC
I'd like to think so. [Damn you, woman!]

Doing my assignments and enjoying the high school atmosphere. [Yes, that was said in all seriousness]


Shortpack brdskllwarrior September 7 2010, 13:35:34 UTC
[Hey, no one said you couldn't come along, derpface! :p :) ]

Assignments? [Curious, what are these, and she she be doing them too?]


7 pocketsizedpal September 7 2010, 17:42:36 UTC
Yeah, papers to write, things like that.


Shortpack brdskllwarrior September 7 2010, 23:29:12 UTC
[...] That really doesn't sound like a lot of fun.


7 pocketsizedpal September 7 2010, 23:52:23 UTC
Of course it's fun. It's learning. [AND LEARNING IS AWESOME]


Shortpack brdskllwarrior September 8 2010, 00:03:00 UTC
Aren't there better ways to learn than ... writing papers? [Like, you know, being pitted against horribly ferocious beasts? You learn real fast how to dodge, for one]


7 pocketsizedpal September 8 2010, 00:30:27 UTC
Nooooot in high school. Unless you count gym. [Do cheerleaders count?]


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