► um

Aug 16, 2010 00:24

[This... is tha sound of snoring. It's not very loud, but it is there! It is almost as though someone basically just faceplanted into their journal, still sleeping, and both they and their journal are totally on the floor. Unfortunately for the snore....r, it sounds like she's starting to wake up! Though she's clearly not happy about it.]

Mn... don't...

[Wait a second is that like... stone she is lying on top of what the hell. After another pause, as she opens her eyes and actually looks at her surroundings, there's the sound of a small shocked squeak and someone light hoisting their scrawny ass up off the floor. Her voice is still a little fuzzy from sleep, but getting stronger.]

Michiko...? [Her voice trails off a little on the end of the name, because that is a stupid question since Michiko is gone... forevah. :(] Um, Hiroshi? Are you there?


[FOOTSTEPS. SO MANY FOOTSTEPS. If you are in or around the lobby, I guess you are seeing this go down! She's walking aimlessly through the lobby in sort of... concentric circles around the journal which she is now totally ignoring, staring all around the whole damn room. As she grows more... you know... conscious, her tone gets more intense.]

Where is this?! I just dozed off in the truck, and...

[Is this another kidnapping? But she's not tied up... and this doesn't feel like the atmosphere she's used to from all of her wonderful experiences being held hostage. If it's a kidnapping, why is nobody watching her? And what do they want from her? It's not so hard to imagine someone else has a grudge. Satoshi is dead, but... anyway, that man already abandoned her once. Maybe he's doing it again.

But who could Hiroshi know that has a castle?]

Is anyone here? [And as a slightly grumpy aside:] This isn't funny.

[AND NOW THERE ARE... MORE FOOTSTEPS seriously somebody stop this fluffy idiot already or she is just going to record her increasingly distant walking sounds for the rest of time as she internally monologues.]

!intro, hana "hatchin" morenos

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