[In a lost room...]
[Anyone who has traveled to the room could be there by now.
Explore, my dears.]
[ooc: Please do not have your character take anything unless they are confirmed to take it on the
Claim Post. Anyone is welcome to explore, touch, poke around and ponder, though :)]
what's he doing? trying to sense any magic, of course.
but at the same time, he's keeping well away from anyone who dares to actually touch something and pick it up...
... which means he's zig-zagging around like a slow, careful crazy man]
Being awfully careful about this, aren't you?
[Yes, he did just appear there about ten seconds ago. 'Sup. He's also not touching anything, then again, he doesn't appear to be looking for anything either, really.]
[there's the briefest wink from beneath his hood]
Of course~.
Looking for anything in particular?
It's difficult to look for anything specific when they all hold potential for ... well. I'm sure you feel it, too. [the power. it's EVERYWHERE, and it has no right to be. his curiosity is burning like propane in an oxygen tank facility]
... Eventually he just glanced to the binoculars. Well... he could always just pick one and test it out, right?
And with that, the staff was up, out and slipping under the strap to the pair of binoculars, pulling it back up and over to him.]
It's hard to ignore. I suppose it just comes down to a random choice~.
[his eyes dart swiftly from side to side, and then he reaches out and plucks the orb from the floor, clutching it tightly in his thin, golden fingers]
Fiddling with the binoculars, he didn't use them yet, just watching the mage]
So, what is it?
If my senses serve me, it is the most powerful object in this entire room...!
It doesn't do you any good if you don't know what it does though.
[Of course you realize what this means, right?]
Most might find playing with powerful, unknown magic a bit dangerous.
[And he is okay with this]
Most don't have our collective knowledge and ... experience.
No, I suppose not.
[He'll allow that slight ego stroke~]
I wonder how we'd start?
[Oh yes, do take the lead, Raist]
[your room or his, bb? /bow chicka, magical-energy-style? :P]
It shouldn't be too hard to work with my quarters. I don't tend to spend that much time in it anyway.
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