(no subject)

Aug 12, 2010 19:14

[Dumped Cheeseburger and Milkshake in your room. :|b Hope you don't mind. Look! He even brought the litter box, food and their favorite toys. If they love you more than him when he gets back you're dead.

Also there's a note. It basically says the stuff above, only less sarcastic and more threatening if he doesn't take care of them he should dump with with Kory or something. And he'd better take care of them. And if he needs anything he's brought the journal don't worry, Boy Wonder.]

[Look! Tharr be a Kon in yer kitchen, raiding your fridge and maybe yer cabinets in search of riches known as...yeah, okay he's pretty much grabbing anything that looks tasty. Don't be hatin'. Come bug? :>]

[Cass...Caaasssss...Is that a burger you smell? Right next to your face as you sleep? Is this a dream? Or was your boyo a good boyo and went shopping while you were napping? :>]

kon-el (superboy)

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