[With rest and the careful care of the clinic staff, Puddle's wounds have healed nicely. His shoulder was still stiff and there was a dark line of a scar on his cheek that had yet to fade, but all in all he'd had a remarkably fast recovery. He'd even reached the point where he could sleep quite soundly, dreaming of Narnia and signs and quests...
...Which is why he's feeling a bit disoriented when the first smatterings of cold splatter against his face and hands]
Pole...Scrubb...best find shelter. [a grumbling sound as he turns over to peer at the cloud overhead with one muddy eye] You'll catch your death of cold in this-
[Castle. He was in the castle. Where there shouldn't have been a cloud at all. Only there it was and, as he stared up at it, the light drizzle abruptly turned to a downpour, soaking him instantly and leaving puddles as it soaked through the bedding] Rain.
[There are attempts to make it go away, but it stays, hovering just out of reach and raining steadily on the drenched Wiggle. So, eventually, he gives up, resigning himself to his new shadow as he squelches through the halls on his way to the kitchen, leaving a trail of wet tiles behind him]
I said it hadn't had enough. Aslan knows I did...
Loss start!]