[ private ]
Oz was here. They-- they all were but how? What is this place and why haven't I been able to find a way out? I can't use Raven either or attempt that again. What if it's affecting Oz, wherever he is?
The people in the city are just as clueless or unhelpful.
[ a groan and he rubs his temple, trying to make some sense of what's happening ]
Why don't I remember?
[ a pause, as he flips through old pages and sees all the conversations he's had with people before. no, this isn't-- this isn't right.
is it? ]
[ filter ]
I want to know what happened during my previous stay here.
[ for anyone chilling in the courtyard, there is a surly-looking gil out there. though he inhales his cigarette, not even the nicotine can relax him right now. he just sits with his journal, every now and then looking at it. bother him, please ;_; ]