† 53

Jul 31, 2010 13:21

[filter: Ianto, Paul Smecker, Eunice Bloom]

[his words are quiet, and sincere... obviously laden with guilt, as he says:]

...I can't... begin, to apologize enough for... everything.

[...] Thank you for taking His Holiness somewhere safe. I truly owe all three of you a debt I can't fathom ever being able to repay... but, I...


If there's anything I can do... Anything. Please... don't hesitate to ask.

Again, I'm... very, very sorry. ...Mr. Ianto, is your-- [agh. he feels so bad;;]

...Is your hand alright? ...Please take care. [/ianto, paul, eunice]

[filter: Elektra, Spike Spiegel, Question]

Please let me know you're alright. [/elektra, spike, question]

[filter: Faye]

I realize... I'm not one of your favorite people in Paradisa by any means, but...

[...well. things certainly have changed, haven't they? he figures now, she might need someone to talk to... and there's no one quite as relatable as another monster, right?]

If you need someone to speak to... you can find me, anytime you'd like.

I won't pass judgment for what you did. It would be... hypocritical of me, wouldn't it?

So I hope you wouldn't be afraid. And if you don't want to talk to me, I understand, but...

Please, Faye. ...Please speak to someone. Anyone. Don't let it eat you alive, even if you feel you deserve it. ...Especially if you feel you deserve it.


...Please take care. [/faye]

[filter: Alec]

[...there's a really, really long pause...]

Alec...? It's... Father Abel.


...I'm... very sorry, for everything. Very sorry, that you-- were frightened, and--


I'm sorry. [/alec]

[once he got the hard part out of the way, Abel closes the journal with a sigh and down to sit at the edge of his bed in the clinic. other than being pale from hefty blood loss and a mess of bandages thankfully hidden underneath his loose white PJ's (with a fashionable yellow ducky pattern on the pants, might I add), he's looking more penitent and tired than genuinely hurt or sick.

he could use some company if you're in the mood to bug a priest? feel free to give sugar / hugs / making obnoxious commentary about his obviously amazing fashion sense / INJECT WITH SHOUNEN OPTIMISM because that would be awesome]

[ooc: open post for the clinic...! if your character is laid up there, too, Abel will probably get up and wander over to bug them if they look like they need company, too, so feel free to tag in 8)]

abel nightroad

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