It feels as if I've been in this castle for years! More than ever, I want to go home so I can finally remember.. him. What kind of wife forgets her husband? A horrible one, that's the kind! Maybe if I could remember what he looked like.. ah! Or if he was rude or a gentleman! If he lacks manners, then I definitely won't be happy!
.. Ah! I've been thinking about getting a companion recently! Perhaps a small kitten or a very cute bird, maybe then being my room won't feel so lonely. When I was bored or lonely back home, I used to always spend time having tea parties and cake with Sister! But she isn't here right now, so..
Sister would have loved the fireworks, we never had such elaborate holidays!
Hello, Your Highness! It's Princess Justinia!
Have you settled well in the castle? I haven't heard from you in quite some time!