- fifth year waiting -

Jun 18, 2010 15:35

[base camp filter]

[there really isn't too much going on at Base Camp, Rory thinks - now that they've got everything set up and squared away, it's a lot of sitting around and twiddling thumbs and being nervous--well, he's nervous anyway--about how the other groups are faring out in the Dead Zone.

But he's been doing some thinking on his own, and figures he should get some things set straight before any possible emergency--it should hopefully ease any confusion later and provide for a smoother operation. After all, he's a licensed nurse who had a bitchface tyrant of a chief resident supervisor back home. He knows all about chain of command.

So he sidles up to Clark, near the campfire]

Hey, Clark? Can I have a--word?

((also open to anyone in Group Three who just wants to chat!))

!spiders, rory williams

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