(no subject)

Jun 17, 2010 02:47

[what's up superfriennnnnnds. Yeah!]

Calling in a big favour, guys. All the people going with the spiders into the Dead Zone are going to need a base camp on the border, and we need to get the majority of it set up overnight so they can head out in the morning.

Anyone who can help move supplies, pack food/water, build a temporary shelter, and generally help set up a medical station would be much appreciated.

[Magical timeskip to sometime around 1-2 A.M.!

Out on the border, close to the forest as possible, a small cabin is being assembled by Group Three and whatever superfriends Clark has assembled at this point in time. Supplies are being flown in. Structures are going up. Things are being gone over. STUFF is happening.]

Alright... let's get the roof on.

[OOC: This is obviously going up very late because dis mod had OOC posts to write but it is absolutely totally backtag friendly and open to absolutely anyone who feels like pulling off an all-nighter with Clark's team to make sure the teams headed into the forest have a support system B)

Backtag, threadjack, mingle. You know the drilllll.

If you don't know where you are, CHECK THE GROUP POST. ]

carrie kelley, clark kent (superman), amy pond, virgil ovin hawkins (static), !spiders, rory williams, shayera hol, ash ketchum, karen starr (power girl)

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