Jun 12, 2010 09:23

:: backdated to morning of June 12 ::


[written, the heaviness and legibility of the script varies]

8 June: day 1, can't recall, 11+?
9 June: day 2, 10:30 / 24:10
10 June: day 3, 11:00 / 25:03
11 June: day 4, 10:40 / 24:43

Recurring: # # ? #

Track: # #

Eliminate: sleep location, time of sleep, duration

[the nightmares have taken a lot out of her, though she isn't about to show it to others. She remembers the almost-reckless abandon with which she called upon Kiyohime, as though it was testament to her feelings; how easy it was to destroy everything in that haze of desire; the satisfaction that arose from eliminating her beloved's enemies which, nevertheless, could not stem the emptiness within herself. She remembers it as though it just happened, for it might as well have -- the nightmares make her relive the memories, over and over again...

Her hands remain shaking, and the pen presses hard when she tries to still them]

A constant reminder. I could never forget if I wanted.

If I ever have to fight Were I to lose myself again, would I be so far gone as to not recognize even that which I hold dear?

I don't regret killing. [this is denial]

I regret betraying what we had. I regret the insensitivity that defined my actions. But if I were to regret taking those lives [no, now's not the time to think about this. It makes her even more exhausted.

She switches to dictation, lying back down:] Still no pattern found. What is it that allows some to not be having these...dreams? Is the journal selectively broadcasting more of those having bad dreams, or is the increased frequency of such dreams influencing transmitted content? If this phenomenon was caused by someone deliberately, what is their motive, and how did they do it? Why are certain residents unaffected?


[mulling over these questions for three nights hasn't made anything clearer. After a while, she stands, checking her reflection in the bathroom mirror, making herself presentable, or at least less haggard-looking.

Then, she heads for the sixth floor to check on a couple of nameplates (one with higher priority than the other). Reassured by what she sees, she moves on, intending to take the stairs down and sit outside, sulking looking at the clouds]

[ooc: open post, encounter at any point on her journey. screenshots could have been more appropriate if only canon spent more than like...3 seconds on that incident asldfjk]

!nightmares, fujino shizuru

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