22 ... squeak squeak squeak!!!

Jun 12, 2010 17:12

[There's a new addition to your lobby; it's a little cage with oodles of tubes winding in and out of it, with a little wheel and a little food dish and a little water dish …. and two little nameplates reading “Shortpack” and “7”]

[And inside, are two little Panda Hamsters]

[One is currently running actively around, up and through the tubes, looking like she's trying every nook and corner for a weak spot in order to escape.]

[The other is pressed up against the plastic, staring at the passerbys. You can probably tell what he's thinking, as he's thinking it rather loudly.]

[So come say hi to the pissed off adorable little residents!]

[[ooc: Loss time for Shortpack and 7! Come bug!!!]]

shortpack, 7

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