[he's trying not to fly off the handle at amateurs, so thankfully, he's got actual work to do in order to keep him distracted. At least with Clark running around while Chloe and him dispatched people, he knew that eventually Clark would come back to base and let them know what happened... most times
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heads down to the ballroom, if only to see what "great ideas" people are coming up with. she hasn't got high hopes]
Come to help?
[ooc: Since nothing will actually get too productive until Tuesday for any search efforts, we're going to imply a great deal of the searching. This post will be backtagging and such for organizing the parties that go out Monday, just so that people know who all was involved with these search parties. my IM = onlysayinghello - if you have any questions]
[ooc: got it o7]
I didn't put too much thought into it. I thought it was lame enough that it might actually work.
How many people have you got already?
A few new ones like Ashura, I've never even seen him around before today, but he seems capable. Then the usual suspects. [you know... since not everyone has replied to this yet, and he's assuming others would imply that they did - also most of this was copy-pasta'd and notifs are lagging so much]
I agree. We want to keep the actual groups small, but that doesn't mean we can't have as many as possible. The more we have the more ground we can cover, since we don't really have more than a direction at this point.
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