[The sun is shining, flowers are blooming, parrots are screeching, and Arsenal's lounging in the lobby looking out for a redhead, a Superboy, and that girl he barely talked to. He's also scratching out a map of his own, an expanded bit of the area west of the lake.]
'Morning! Ready to head out?
((This is a gathering-together and setting-out post
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[It's a bit cooler up here, and the wind whips up from the plains they've left behind. Loose rock slides under their feet. Roy takes a deep breath of mountain air, and grins into the face of it all.]
Arright, Kon. Somewhere down in that valley is the barrier line. [Tosses him a couple of marker stakes.] Don't drop outta the sky, you hear?
Dude, I've crossed that thing before; no way am I face-planting for your viewing pleasure.
[Takes a few running steps forward! Slides and skids down another ten yards of rocky hillside. Might be laughing under the dust he's kicking up.]
It would've made it easy for all of us to remember where the barrier was.
[Oho that looks like a challenge, my friend, and so he's ranging on to catch up! A climber, this one, occasionally grabs a scrubby tree branch and swings over the terrain instead - landing with a jarring rattle of shale and sandy dust.] You alright back there, Erica?
We'll try not to~
Low whistle. Pause.] Nice view.
Being this close to the barrier but not quite past it always feels so weird.
Yeah. Just a few steps, and everything shuts down.
Other than super-strength and the power to fly, of course. [Rolls his eyes upward, pulls himself back from the edge.
The rock he was just gripping splits down the middle and comes loose with a grating sssshunk, and he scrambles backward nimbly just in time for piece of hillside the size of a good sofa to slide out almost from under him. Crunch! And away it goes down the hillside, bouncing and rumbling a good fifty feet down.]
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