♥ 003

May 18, 2010 17:30


Alright...come on, Yukari, you can do this.

[The above line is muttered to herself, and then she starts writing.]

I guess I've been trying not to think about it. It's weird enough that this castle takes away memories of stuff - stuff I don't even know I've lost - but, even though it's not his fault...it still hurts. Ugh, it's almost as bad as if Junpei had forgotten me. Like that idiot ever could.

It just sucks. There was everything he could have forgotten, with Personas and the Dark Hour and anything in his whole life, and he forgets ME. He said it was 'something precious' and that means a lot, but. I don't know. Seeing him look at me and not have even the smallest bit of recognition really hurts.

[A dry laugh to herself.] He really was my best friend. I mean, there's Fuuka and Junpei Stupei, but. He backed me up better than anyone. He got it. He helped me so much with...something. that's weird

I guess when you think about it, it's kind of like a reset? He's back at the start of the year. Now he doesn't have to be bothered with me dumping all my crap on him...it still pisses me off, though. I just want to smack him in the face!

...but no. I gotta focus on what's happening now.
i wish junpei and fuuka were here too



Hey, it's Yukari! I was talking to Minato-kun awhile ago about going on a shopping trip with you two, and I think the weather's been safe for long enough to try it. You in?



Hey, guys! I already talked to Minato-kun about going out on that shopping trip, but I figure I should check with you both about it. Still up for it?

We could get you some cute stuff, senpai~ ♥ [/trolls akihiko]


[And with that, Yukari shuts the journal, tucking it into her bag as she comes out of her room. She's headed down to the lobby, more than likely to bump into anyone on the way! After that little personal emo session, she does feel a bit lighter, her happier facade firmly in place. No getting her down today, no sir.]


yukari takeba

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