20 ... attempting to create normal. again.

May 17, 2010 21:07


This castle seems to have a knack at knowing the last thing you'd ever want to happen, or the last thing you'd want to lose, and making sure that's exactly what would happen, or exactly what it would take.

Knowing in advance how long you have to enjoy someone doesn't make their disappearance any easier.


Filtered to York

Any chance you could show me the Danger Room? I have some, ah, pent-up aggression I need to let go of. [She already tried beating up the castle, but it didn't notice.]


[7's in her nook in the library, by her bonsai tree. She's got 4's scrapbook open and is trying to paste some drawings that 13 did into it, but is really just making more of a mess. Crafting was not really her thing.]

[[ooc: Open post and journal!]]


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