[Friends of Sam Winchester]
Okay, so uh ... I'm gonna guess that at least a good deal of you know that Sam's birthday was Sunday. Which also means that you probably know that nothing big went down -- [or at least not that he's aware of] -- but there's a reason for that. Mostly 'cause I was waitin' for that one room with the beach to show up.
Sammy and I never really got the whole beach experience growin' up, so I figured today I'd drag him down there for his birthday. We're doin' sort of a cookout thing -- [sort of because he talked to Jo and she asked Eliot to cook up some stuff for them for today] -- with burgers and beer and crap, so ... c'mmon down.
Me and Sam should be there soon, and we'll probably hang around until he gets bored.
[/Friends of Sam Winchester]
Yo, dude. Get your head outta whatever book on vampires you're readin' at the moment -- [yeah, he's aware of the situation, but this is more important] -- and meet me in the lobby. I got somethin' you need to see.