[ bart, going stir crazy back at the castle since most if not all of the other titans are on the expedition, is standing outside of the castle -- in varying places...he moves whenever a gator gets a little too close with that hungry look in their eye -- and he's holding a small device given to him by hiro ]
Alright, let's put this thing to the test finally! [ time to navigate! which doesn't take much time at all. it brings him to ye olde paradisa cave ] Hey Fidget! Fiiiidget, are you here? It's me Bart! You remember me right? Even though I don't really remember you. FIIIIDGETTTT!
[ sure enough, there is barking and a much bigger than the journal seems to recall him being dalmatian nearly tackles him over. COPS theme music also plays -- yeah you know the one ]
Ahaha, all RIGHT! You actually managed to survive all this time! This is so cool! [ small pause ] Uh. Might have to get you a new leg though.
OOC; just a small explanation. LONG LONG AGO when Bart was first in the castle, he shared a room with Pyro and Johnny Blaze and there was a 101 Dalmatian plot. Pyro got Fidget. And Fidget is a very um special dog who is pretty dumb but has dumb luck to go along with it. ALSO ages ago, there was a Silent Hill plot in which Fidget lost his leg from one of the monsters (OR DID PRIME RIP IT OFF.. i can't remember). Hiro made him a new one that plays the COPS theme and I think shoots lasers or pretended to or something ALKDALWKEJAFSDF
anyway, yes. Hiro helped out a bit and Bart found Fidget again! It's been mod okay'd :)
[post is open wherever since bart has his journal with him to commemorate this beautiful reunion :') ]