[ it was the same deal as before, wake up with a new set of memories and a rather nasty headache, spend a few minute staring at a wall trying to make sense of it all. but when he did, oh when he did things changed. he left the infirmary while Crowley was asleep, deciding to take a leisurely stroll into town
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A bit like a lost shoe. Only more angelic. Anyway, he's threatening watering his plants]
Oh, there you are. I wondered where you'd buggered off to.
[It's empty because the alcoholic demon got there before you, sorry Castiel]
I went into town.
...And took a bath in vodka?
I drank a liquor store.
That's... [another pause, what is that?] very unsettling.
I drank the entire liquor store, it took a while.
Yeees, I can imagine it would. There being a lot of alcohol in there and all.
So...is there a reason you decided to throw in the teetotaller thing and get hammered? Or is this a spur of the moment thing?
God. [ daddy issues get ] He doesn't care, he won't help.
[There's a pause here. When he'd learned of Castiel's little Daddy hunting quest, he had a feeling it would go this way. He'd had a little bit of hope that the bastard would actually come through this time, for Castiel's sake at least. Thanks a lot, God]
He really doesn't deserve all those 'good father' songs the humans sing Him. Pity they don't know any better.
[Awkward pause. He's trying to be comforting, he really is] I'm sorry, I know how much finding Him meant to you.
[ he is going to have such a headache tomorrow-- shrugs, pushing himself off the fridge and moving to a couch... or something ]
I don't care anymore.
I'd be a hypocrite if I told you that you were dealing with this in the wrong way. [Hands him the water] Drink this or you'll feel worse off for it tomorrow.
As for the Big Guy? He's a dick. But He's a clever dick. You never know what sort of game the bastard is playing.
I know right now you probably want to shut yourself off and wallow in despair and vodka forever more, I've been there, I remember. But really, He's not here. None of that...mess is. So you should just say fuck 'em. Don't let the old bastard get you down.
I mean, you have... people here, who actually do give a damn about you, right? And we're much better company than that sly fucker upstairs.
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